
1. **传递鱼吞食钓饵的信息**:鱼漂能够灵敏地反映鱼对钓饵的触碰和吞食。当鱼儿接近或吞食饵钩时,饵钩位置的微小变动会通过钓线迅速传递到鱼漂上,钓者据此可以判断鱼是否咬钩。

2. **表明钓饵的位置**:在水域广阔的情况下,鱼漂位于水面上,作为明显的标记,能够帮助钓者准确地确定钓饵的位置,尤其是在复杂的水域环境中。

3. **使饵钩处于不同水层**:通过调整鱼漂与铅坠间的配重关系,可以控制饵钩停留在水体的不同深度,从而适应不同水层中鱼类的活动习性。

4. **显示水的深浅**:在进行底钓时,鱼漂至饵钩的长度可以直观地反映出水深,这对于选择合适的钓法和水层至关重要。


5. **显示咬钩鱼的种类**:不同种类的鱼在咬钩时的动作和力度不同,鱼漂的反应也会有所不同。通过观察鱼漂的动作,钓者可以大致判断是哪种鱼在咬钩。

6. **传递其他信息**:除了鱼咬钩的信息,鱼漂还可以传递水流速度、水底状况等其他钓鱼环境信息。

7. **辅助调漂**:鱼漂与铅坠的配合对于调整钓组的灵敏度非常关键。通过调整铅坠的重量,可以改变鱼漂的灵敏度,使钓者能够在不同水情中灵活应对。


8. **防止鱼脱钩**:在鱼咬钩时,鱼漂的移动可以提醒钓者及时收线,从而防止鱼儿因挣扎而脱钩。



1. **促进消化和提升胃口**:酒酿丸子中的糯米粉易于消化,米酒中的酒精成分有助于刺激食欲,因此食用酒酿丸子能够促进消化,提升人的胃口。

2. **改善血液循环和免疫力**:酒酿丸子中的营养成分有助于改善血液循环,从而增强免疫力,对于维持身体健康具有积极作用。


3. **补中益气,健脾养胃**:糯米和米酒都有补中益气的功效,能够帮助脾胃虚弱的人恢复健康,对于健脾养胃有一定的帮助。

4. **丰胸美乳和催乳**:酒酿中的酒精成分和发酵过程中产生的酶类、活性物质有利于乳腺发育,同时,酒酿也有助于改善胸部血液循环,因此有丰胸和催乳的效果。

5. **抗衰老和美容养颜**:酒酿丸子中的营养成分对于抗衰老和美容养颜有一定的作用,尤其适合面色黯淡、气血虚弱的人群。


6. **促进肠蠕动,预防便秘**:糯米粉中的淀粉质有助于促进肠蠕动,有助于预防便秘,改善肠胃功能。

7. **适合多种人群**:酒酿丸子适合中老年人、孕产妇以及身体虚弱者食用,有助于滋补身体,增强体质。

8. **丰富的营养成分**:酒酿丸子主要由米酒和糯米粉制成,米酒含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和微量元素,糯米粉富含淀粉质,能够提供人体所需的能量。



1. **促进消化吸收**:木瓜含有丰富的木瓜酵素,这种酶有助于蛋白质的分解,促进食物的消化和吸收,对于健脾消食有显著效果。

2. **低热量低脂肪**:木瓜牛奶燕窝的热量较低,适合减肥瘦身的人群食用,既能满足口感,又不会导致过多的热量摄入。

3. **补充营养**:木瓜、牛奶和燕窝都含有丰富的蛋白质,其中牛奶还含有矿物质和脂肪,燕窝则富含促进细胞分裂的激素和表皮生长因子,能够补充人体所需的营养成分。


4. **滋阴润肺**:燕窝具有滋阴润肺、化痰止咳的功效,对肺虚引起的久咳、痰喘等症状有改善作用。


5. **美容养颜**:燕窝中的表皮生长因子有助于养颜美容,同时,木瓜中的维生素C也有助于美白肌肤,三者结合能够使皮肤更光滑有弹性。

6. **提高免疫力**:燕窝中的蛋白质和生物活性分子有助于增强免疫能力,提高人体对疾病的抵抗力。

7. **调养身体**:牛奶中的矿物质和微量元素有助于身体成长和发育,同时,燕窝对于病后虚弱、中气亏损等也有一定的调养作用。

8. **预防骨质疏松**:牛奶中的钙质有助于预防骨质疏松,对于老年人及需要补钙的人群尤其有益。

9. **改善睡眠**:燕窝中的氨基酸成分有助于改善睡眠质量,对于经常熬夜或睡眠质量不佳的人群有一定的帮助。

10. **调养身体机能**:木瓜牛奶燕窝能够健脾养胃,去湿化痰,强健筋骨,对整体身体机能的提升也有积极作用。



1. **养肝益肾**:中医认为,黑墨草具有滋补肝肾的功效,适用于肝肾阴虚引起的症状,如头晕目眩、牙齿松动、腰背酸痛等。

2. **凉血止血**:黑墨草能够凉血止血,对于血热引起的多种出血症状有良好的治疗效果。

3. **抑菌作用**:通过科学实验证明,黑墨草对金黄色葡萄球菌、伤寒杆菌、宋氏痢疾杆菌、绿脓杆菌等有抑菌作用。

4. **保肝作用**:黑墨草中的某些提取物对四氯化碳造成的肝损伤有保护作用,有助于修复受损的肝细胞,增强肝脏的解毒功能。


5. **美容功效**:在中医美容古方中,旱莲草常被用作乌须黑发、固齿的药物。


6. **外用治疗**:黑墨草可用于治疗外伤出血,也可以制作成药膏或药丸使用。

7. **促进毛发生长**:旱莲草被认为有助于促进毛发生长,常用于治疗头发变白等问题。


– **禁忌人群**:脾胃虚寒的人群应慎用,以免引起身体不适。
– **炮制方法**:在使用黑墨草时,应按照正确的炮制方法进行,注意炮制的温度和火候控制。



1. **降血糖作用**:青钱柳叶中的有效成分能够调节人体糖代谢,激活胰岛器官功能,从而降低血糖。这一特性使其成为糖尿病患者的辅助治疗选择。

2. **降血压作用**:青钱柳叶中含有皂苷、黄酮等成分,能够改善血管通透性,降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


3. **降血脂作用**:青钱柳叶中含有的多糖、三萜、皂苷、黄酮等有效成分具有降血脂的作用,特别是微量元素硒,能够改善脂质代谢,抑制血清总胆固醇的升高。

4. **祛风止痒**:青钱柳叶具有祛风、消炎止痛和杀虫止痒的功效,适用于皮肤病的治疗,如顽癣等。

5. **抗氧化和抗衰老**:青钱柳叶富含多种抗氧化成分,能够清除体内的自由基,提高人体免疫力,对抗衰老。

6. **保肝护肝**:对于脂肪肝等肝脏疾病有一定的改善作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:青钱柳叶中的多种微量元素和营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力。

8. **调节血糖代谢**:对糖代谢异常人群有调节作用,有助于维持血糖稳定。


– **禁忌人群**:肠胃虚寒、身体欠佳、发热、阴虚火旺、便秘、痈肿等人群不宜食用青钱柳叶。
– **合理使用**:不宜空腹或过量服用,也不宜长期连续服用,应在医生的指导下使用。
– **配伍使用**:青钱柳叶多与其他药材配伍使用,具体组方应由医生根据患者病情、体质等因素制定。



1. **健脾养胃**:小米具有健脾养胃的作用,可以保护胃黏膜,对于胃部不适有一定的缓解作用。

2. **滋阴养血**:小米能够滋阴养血,对于血虚体质的人有很好的调养效果。

3. **补肾益气**:小米还有补肾益气的功效,有助于提高身体的抵抗力。

4. **美白除湿**:薏仁富含多种营养成分,具有美白和除湿的功效,有助于控制血糖血脂。

5. **利水消肿**:薏仁能够利水消肿,对于体内湿气较重或水肿的人有很好的改善作用。

6. **减肥**:小米薏仁粥富含膳食纤维,有助于润化肠道,减少体内脂肪的积累,对于减肥有一定的帮助。


7. **防癌抗癌**:薏仁中的成分有助于防癌抗癌,可以降低癌症的风险。


8. **美容养颜**:小米薏仁粥中的抗氧化成分有助于清除自由基,减缓衰老速度,保持皮肤光泽细腻。

9. **清热排脓**:薏仁具有清热排脓的功效,对于体内燥热和某些炎症有缓解作用。

10. **提高免疫力**:小米薏仁粥富含维生素和矿物质,有助于增强免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

11. **辅助治疗**:小米薏仁粥对于胃部疾病、消化不良、食欲不振等有一定的辅助治疗作用。

12. **易于消化吸收**:小米薏仁粥易于消化吸收,适合老幼、孕妇等人群食用,有助于快速恢复体力,缓解疲劳。


Time flies in this busy process …

Chapter 76 This situation is unbelievable!
After three hours, the sky gradually lit up.
Light can not only dispel the darkness, but also dispel people’s fears and rekindle their courage. Although it is still early at the moment, the sunshine is still very weak, but it is this faint light that makes people’s spirits rise after struggling in the front line of earthquake relief all night. Although they are still tired, their spirits get excited at this moment, which is slowed down because of fatigue and drowsiness, and the rescue operation is gradually restored after the sunshine appears.
After everyone tried to be buried in the collapsed hotel, all the lucky people were rescued. Then Lin Yang marked the location of some collapsed buildings nearby and gave them to the people to make persistent efforts to continue the rescue operation.
Of course, Lin Yang has not been idle.
He, Ma Wanwen and several other people with some medical skills were busy treating the wounds of the injured in the square while people were digging for the lucky ones.
Minor injuries are usually handled by Ma Wanwen and other people who know some medical skills, while serious injuries are handled by Lin Yang himself.
Seeing Lin Yang move quickly when dealing with these wounds, his hands are like butterflies flying in the flowers, and after shaking several times, he can sew up the wounds that are serious to the degree of terror.
Lin Yang handled the wound very quickly, and Ma Wanwen sewed up one after he sewed up two or three seriously injured wounds.
For several others, the speed is even slower.
If it’s fast, it’s just that Lin Yang sews the wound quite well at the same time.
At first glance, the eye can see that Lin Yang stitched these wounds perfectly, so that the wounds will never leave any scars after healing.
"Oh, my God … this amazing suture technique is simply a sigh. Even a surgical knife in our hospital may not be able to sew the wound so fast and so well. This young man looks like he is just in his early twenties. Maybe he is still a student. How can he have such a pair of fast and steady hands?" A young woman aged around thirty stared at Lin Yang’s roaring hands and exclaimed in disbelief.
This young woman is a surgeon in a hospital in Chang ‘an. Her surname is Mo Mo, and it was when she took several other people with some medical skills to treat the injured in this square that she didn’t recognize how much help these two people could give. However, she never thought that Lin Yang’s suture technique would completely shock her.
Murrow knows very well that although she has been in surgery for several years, she is far behind Lin Yang in suture, and not only in her hospital, but no one seems to be able to compare with Lin Yang in suture.
"It’s the first time I’ve seen someone who can sew a wound like dancing … it’s so handsome." A young girl studying in a medical university looked at Lin Yang with a peach heart and admiration, but this can’t blame her for being anthomaniac, because Lin Yang’s dancing with his hands when sewing a wound is really full of charm, like two elves dancing, which is an artistic scene. No matter who sees it, he will be intoxicated and folded by it.
Several other people, both men and women, were shocked by Linyang suture, and at the same time, they couldn’t restrain their curiosity and asked Ma Wanwen, "Hey, which medical school are you from?" You this elder brothers is really too much. "
Ma Wanwen, a medical college of West China University, replied proudly that Lin Yang was admired by these people and made him feel proud. Then he smiled and said, "But you are wrong. Lin Yang is not a student … to be precise, he was a freshman in the semester, but he has become a doctor and lecturer in our school this semester."
All qi qi one leng "semester or freshman became a doctor and lecturer this semester? What is this? " Even Murray and the girl who made a spoony couldn’t help but lean in and wait for Ma Wanwen to reveal the answer.
"The thing is …" Ma Wanwen briefly told all the people present about Lin Yang’s deeds, including Lin Yang’s teaching of basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, a large group of well-known foreign experts coming from Wan Li, and so on. Of course, it is absolutely necessary to tell a story about Lin Yang’s leading role in the plague that shocked the country.
After listening to Ma Wanwen’s account of these experiences, everyone was shocked. They never thought that Lin Yang’s experience turned out to be so strange and rich. "This guy … is still a human or not?" After a moment of silence, Murmur murmured that when he heard her words, everyone around him nodded in unison and vomited in his heart, "This guy named Lin Yang is a non-human."
At this time, Lin Yang sewed up another injured person, turned around and gave them a white look. He didn’t good the spirit and said, "Have you had enough hexagrams? There are so many injured people waiting to be dealt with. "
Ma Wanwen Yu Xiao didn’t continue to brag for him about burying his head in the treatment of the wounded, and Mo Ruo and others also devoted themselves to the busy treatment of the wounded.
Lin Yang’s superb medical skills and extremely colorful experience completely broke Mo Ruo and others. At this moment, they regard Lin Yang as the backbone and savior like those who are digging for the lucky ones in the ruins.
Soon another hour passed.
At five o’clock in the morning, just before six o’clock, a group of soldiers dressed in camouflage military green appeared in the line of sight.
These soldiers were ordered to come to the disaster relief.
Before they came here, they had imagined many bleak and chaotic scenes. However, when they came here, they were surprised to find that the scene here was completely different from their imagination.
No chaos, no misery.
There are orderly and enthusiastic rescue scenes.
Instead of panic and panic, people’s face are full of determination and hope. it’s hard to believe that "what happened here?" What affected people will be so positive? " Many soldiers who came to the rescue have emerged such a problem in their hearts.
Chapter 769 A barrage of shock
Although my heart is full of confusion and incomprehension, in the current environment and situation, these soldiers are not allowed to spend time studying this problem.
They came here with orders to come to the disaster relief. Although the people here were not knocked down by the earthquake and showed their self-help actions before the soldiers arrived, this does not mean that they can relax, but they need to put more spirit and strength into the disaster relief.
The reason is simple.
Soldiers, they are unwilling and unable to be compared with ordinary people.
Immediately, the team leader rushed here, and the officer immediately turned to the soldiers behind him and ordered, "Military doctors go to the square, and I see that the injured are all placed in the square. You go and treat the injured, and organize people to send the seriously injured to several temporary treatment points in the city."

Then Yu Guihai was symbolic and controlled several keys, so the elder left the Tongtian clan and went to the Moon Eldar clan. He wanted to solve the Moon Eldar clan.

Tong Xuan followed himself.
Chapter 116 An old friend, Moon Spirit, and Showing off Your Power
In a deep valley of the Moon Elves.
The bottom of the valley is huge, taller than the cliff, and the top goes deep into the white clouds, emitting a quaint atmosphere.
This cliff has a smooth mirror surface with a number of dense silver rays shuttling back and forth, from which an ancient mysterious power emanates.
This is that famous wall of the moon shadow.
A statue of an old man sitting on the wall of God is the ancestor of the Moon Elves, Jiuhua.
There are five strong men sitting not far behind him, all of whom exude ups and downs and powerful breath. They all have a harmonious environment, and the peak correction is the monthly peak and other core elders.
Since the next month’s peak, Yue Jiuhua has let the three people close here, hoping that the three of them can continue to make progress. If there is a successful breakthrough to the palm of the hand, it will solve the current predicament of the Yueling people
In order to achieve this goal, he also let other elders who are sitting outside in the peak of the road take turns to come to realize the moon shadow wall, which is completely restricted.
So urgent, I came to the sea to secretly realize that there is a moon on the wall of the moon, and I dare not leave the family easily for fear that I will be shackled in his divorced hometown.
Suddenly, Jiuhua’s face was micro-moving, and then he opened his eyes. There was a meniscus in his eyes that was particularly mysterious.
"No someone invaded! Wake up soon. "
Jiuhua’s face became low, and when he drank it, he hit a silver moonlight Daoyuan.
In front of the moon shadow wall, those messy chapters of silver light are interspersed rapidly and move according to some strange rhythm, which soon presents a clear picture.
In the picture, a huge tortoise shook its head and wagged its tail rapidly towards the center of the Moon Eldar.
"Xing Xuan Linggui turned out to be a friend of Tong Xuan Dao. What is he doing here?"
Jiuhua was relieved to see the tortoise figure.
However, his face suddenly showed a different color. He saw that Xing Xuan Linggui was not the only one with Tong Xuan, but the other three people all exuded a strong atmosphere.
"Who are these people?"
Month jiuhua face a change in the heart suddenly indecision.
Although Tong Xuan is an ally, now he is still uneasy with four people in charge of the situation.
Jiuhua is old enough and well-informed, but you won’t simply recognize these people as guests.
However, in the face of four strong men of the same order, Yue Jiuhua, even though Lingbao has the home court advantage in hand, he is not sure that he can stop them from coming in.
Since the law prevents it, let’s wait and see. Maybe it’s a good thing
Soon the Xing Xuan tortoise came to the secret place.
Tong Xuan got up and shouted at Fang, "I, a Taoist friend of Jiuhua, took the liberty to visit and ask for help."
"Hehe, I don’t know what friends came to do?"
Jiuhua in the valley also don’t go out smile asked.
His voice didn’t sound big, but it penetrated a long distance and directly reached the ears of Tong Xuan and others.
"To tell you the truth, there is indeed a great event to discuss with you. I have asked my friends to come out to see the death of all ethnic groups in the spiritual world." Tong Xuan said with a positive face
"oh? That’s a big deal, but I won’t go out if I’m old and sick. Let’s just put it this way. "
Jiuhua light should be 1.
The four people outside have ulterior motives, and they don’t know whether they are enemies or friends. The key is powerful. If the other party suddenly attacks after going out, he is not confident that he can fight one enemy and four.
In this valley, where the moon shadow is the strongest, he may have had a battle with these four people, but it is hard to say whether he will win or lose, but he will definitely make the other side pay a heavy price.
You’re stupid enough to go out?
"It’s not good. I’ll wait for the identity to be separated from the propaganda." Tong Xuan was a little heavy.
"Hehe, when the Taoist friends are at our level, the world will also lead the trend to imitate each other and forget it!" Jiuhua month light a say with smile
His heart is slightly proud. Since he doesn’t want to, it can be seen that he really has ulterior motives, and the other party should know that the moon shadow is powerful and wants to lead him out.
He won’t go out!
If the enemy opposes it, he agrees, while the enemy wants him to oppose it.
This is the truth of life that he realized in his long life.
"Well, then, I’ll say here that the barriers between the worlds are weakening now, and the world war is on the verge, but all ethnic groups in the spiritual world are fragmented and their respective methods are working together."
"As far as I know, the demon world, the demon world, the nether world and other worlds have formed a strong alliance, and we are the first targets of the other side."
"If we are still divided like this, we will be divided by other worlds and eventually end up in a bleak end. It is unknown whether our races will survive."
"I’m here to ask Taoist friends to discuss a self-help method."
Talking about impassioned Kan Kan makes people feel United.
However, Jiuhua was unmoved.
He chuckled, "You worry too much, Tong Xuan Daoyou. The Elves have decided not to take part in the fairy falling objects competition, so it is not very dangerous to hold their own territory."
"If Taoist friends want to persuade me to compete for fairy falling objects, forget it. You are old and have no desire to win!"

Now, seeing each other break their identity, where dare they talk about turning their bodies? They have just stepped but stopped. He is a little unwilling to give up. That’s an epoch-making good thing. It seems that there are only a few pieces in the hands of Emperor Di Jun and Emperor Taiyi! What’s more, if this Taoist priest has the same idea as himself, wouldn’t he be cheap for nothing? Thinking of this section, he stopped again, but did not dare to watch it from a distance.

The Taoist priest didn’t care if he saw the ox horn from a distance. He didn’t pay attention to the ox horn at all. Although he had great kung fu, he was just a reckless man in his eyes, although he was a bit difficult, but he was not his opponent.
This man’s identity is different from his own. He is Tian Jinxian’s surname Feng Mingdao, that is, he used to be a gas refiner in Zhongnanshan, and he worked in the Heavenly Palace. His Taoism is profound and he is also a rare expert in the Heavenly Palace.
Because when he didn’t get the word, the old man Canglan had a meal with him. A few days ago, he overheard Xuan Ming, the Great Sage of Wumen, chatting with a few immortals, and other monks were coming to seize the cave and provoke people who shouldn’t be unlucky. He came immediately to return the meal, but he didn’t want to or was a step late. He had been killed by the other side.
Feng Dao sighed, "Brother, the pale blue old man doesn’t know the depth and offended you. Please forgive me, brother. It’s the so-called virtue and forgiveness, and forgive me. Please let him go when he doesn’t know his little talent."
Then the man took out a golden elixir from his bosom and said, "Little brother, I don’t have any good things either. This nine-turn elixir can make you build a higher level and build a road as soon as possible, so you can barely let him out."
Xuanpu squinted at the Taoist priest in front of him and couldn’t help thinking that he wasn’t very interested in Dan medicine. It seemed that Master would also refine it. He was interested in it. Or was Feng Dao’s hand blowing dust? That’s a good thing. God knows where he got so much fire silk. He wanted the gourd middleman to exchange the handle blowing dust, but he was afraid that Li Suiyun would scold him and couldn’t help but hesitate.
Feng Dao is a fine person. If he can’t see Xuanpu hesitating, he immediately guessed that Master Xuanpu had something to say, otherwise he wouldn’t be so timid.
He hesitated, "Why don’t you let me talk to your master, little brother? I’m kind to the old man. I can’t. from ruin also asked my little brother to understand my difficulties and let him go."
After listening to Feng Dao’s words, Xuanpu hesitated for a long time before saying, "I don’t want you, then I want you to dust off. If you want to change, you can dust off for me. My master said that relying on Dan to upgrade and repair the foundation is unstable, and the grasp of strength is far less than practicing strength by yourself."
Feng Dao listened to one leng and couldn’t help but hesitate. In fact, there is not much difference between the value of the dust and that of the elixir. However, the dust is what he asked for, and it is only after he became an immortal that he tried his best to refine it. It is hard to imagine that he has always followed his side and naturally had feelings. If he wants to exchange it, it is somewhat impossible.
However, if his family knows their own affairs, if they can’t come up with a magic weapon that can impress each other, even if they can’t change back to the old man Canglan, the other party doesn’t even pay attention to this day’s treasure and nine turns to the elixir, which shows that their net worth is also quite rich. What’s more, the people behind him actually say that relying on Dan to upgrade and repair is not as stable as their own practice. Even with this knowledge, few people can think of it here, and he can’t help but hesitate.
Xuanpu doesn’t get angry when he sees each other dawdling. Li Suiyun often teaches him to cultivate a monastery, care about others, don’t bully others, but don’t be afraid of those so-called masters. He can naturally understand what a child and an adult say, so he didn’t say much.
This Feng Dao hesitated for a long time and finally sighed out of the decision. Things are gone, but they are being refined, but this person is gone. Even if the physical body is rebuilt, it will be ruined. After thinking about this section, he is reluctant to touch the dust and finally cut off himself and handed it to Xuanpu with a twist.
Xuanpu was overjoyed when he saw the other party’s agreement. He immediately took it without hesitation. He immediately pulled out the gourd plug and recited the spell. When he drank "out", he saw a white gas wrapped in a gourd and turned a * * * round and round. Then he retracted the gourd, but the man stayed outside with a confused face. It was the old man Canglan.
Feng Dao sighed and gave a slight try before he left, so he frowned. The real aura of the other party was very disordered, and I don’t know what the old man experienced in the gourd to have such a situation.
Feng Dao no longer hesitated, took out a bottle of high curative value from the bosom, squeezed Cang Lan’s mouth, poured it all in, and then worked to help Cang Lan recover.
Xuanpu no longer plays with dust, but looks at them curiously. He also wants to know what the old man has to say. If he makes any noise again, he must not let him go.
After a while, the old man finally slowed down. When he saw Feng Dao, tears welled up and cried.
Feng Dao glanced at Xuanpu awkwardly, and some Nai sighed and gently comforted the grieving old man. He was both pitied and annoyed. He hated the old man for trying to take away his family’s happiness when his horse was about to soar.
He didn’t want to think so much about the demon race. Why didn’t anyone come to this valley? Although the owner of this valley doesn’t know the depth of kung fu, how come no one can refine him for such a long time? That’s the cultivation of physical aura! Even for the great god, it’s a big supplement. won’t he consider the problem a little more?
The old man gradually stopped crying. He got up and suddenly found that Xuanpu was still on the side, and his face changed. His eyes were wide open and his teeth clenched. Obviously, he hated the child’s potential.
Next to Feng Dao, I was taken aback. A pull was used to hit a ban, and then I made a kotow to Xuanpu. I didn’t say much about driving the cloud.
The ox horn was surprised when he saw it from a distance. He didn’t expect the other side to have such a thing. He secretly estimated that if he was right, the Taoist priest would even run away. Since Feng Dao took out the nine-turn elixir, he knew that the other side was an immortal and had a high status. The immortal respected the boy so much that he dared not come to see the horror of the other side. He dared not stay longer and turned away.
The rest of the monks, who are still waiting to see the gods, dare not provoke the people in the blessed land, and they all dare not think much about it.
The Xuanpu boy got a magic weapon and jumped back with excitement to report to Li Suiyun.
Li Suiyun was sitting cross-legged and saw Xuanpu’s eyes brightening up, knowing that his heart was very happy and I shook my head slightly.
Xuanpu returned the baby gourd and stood respectfully aside.
Li Suiyun took the gourd, looked it up, and immediately launched the forbidden method. The people in the gourd were immediately forbidden, and the fly ash and soul were all transformed into the original aura. He pulled out the plug and took out the magic weapon to collect the aura. He would naturally go to refining when he was free.
Xuanpu couldn’t help feeling happy when he saw Canglan sword in the magic weapon. He was just about to beg from Li Suiyun, but he saw that Li Suiyun stretched out his hand in the sword with a touch of original light, and the sword suddenly dimmed.
Being held hostage by Feng Dao, Cang Lan suddenly turned red and spit out one mouthful blood. Obviously, the gods were hit hard. Feng Dao was taken aback and thoughtfully, and then he realized that Cang Lan was attached to the sword and even made people go out. Looking at faint and unbearable Cang Lan, he sighed slightly and his eyes were full of nai.

Wind-blown days look move suddenly open your eyes, eyes flashing.

One of them was wrapped in a black robe to cover his face, and his figure was unusually tall and strange. He smiled, "Perception is quite keen."
"Is it you?"
Although you can’t see the face in the windy day, you can guess the identity of the bearer by listening to this sound.
The seven emotions demon will be afraid of the king all night!
With the hag fear king’s side are all Luo Cha clan.
Except jade raksha, almost all of them are cave kings!
There is also a quasi-emperor!
This is the first time that the feared king of the second hag has appeared in Tianhuang Sect since he killed King Anshi and others with many Luo Cha kings.
The hag feared that the king had secretly got some chances in the Nine-Deep Emperor, and a breakthrough in the realm had already achieved the quasi-Emperor.
At this time, the wind and the sky have also cultivated to the land of the cave, and you can step into the land of the cave by one step!
"message from the Lord"
Hag fears the king and simply tells the story of the night spirit and Xiao Ning.
Then Hag was afraid of the king and said, "By the way, we can put an end to Dajin’s feud that year!"
The wind and the sky are shining, and I slowly got up and looked at the direction of the gods. I clenched my fists and said, "I finally waited for this day!"
"You go to prepare first, and we have to go to heaven to keep an eye on a few people."
Hag fear the king called behind a dozen Luo Cha king tear virtual disappeared in the abode of fairies and immortals.
Walking out of the abode of fairies and immortals on a windy day, Sirius said slowly, "I’m going to prepare for the trip to the Nine Immortals!" "
Sirius was a tingle instantaneous spirit.
Dan Xiao xian Yu
Bixue mountain range
There are several figures, men and women, at the top of a mountain peak.
One of them, plain clothes, is pale and frowning. Emei has a lot on her mind. It is the three immortals and one fairy, Yunzhu.
Beside Yunzhu, there are two young teenagers wearing small shirts, and their skin is white and tender. It is Tao Yao and Liu Ping.
Behind the three men, there was an old man with a cave and a gray beard and stood silent.
"What about Sister Yunzhu?"
Tao Yao was worried and asked
Yunzhu said, "I’ve sent a message to my younger brother about this. I’m sure it’ll be fine if I go to your public ear for a small setting and a night spirit."
Yunzhu knows the two real events of Su Mo, and naturally knows that the means of Emperor Wudi can be supported at any time.
She is worried that the news here can reach Sumo.
Yunzhu took a cross look at the old man behind him. "This game-writing protocol mountain has been blocked all around, and even if a king wants to take them away, he can’t do it."
The old man listened to Yunzhu’s tone and complained slightly. "Wang told me that I could protect your safety and not intervene in this matter."
"Once the old man moves to take those two people away, it is bound to be bad at Danxiao Palace."
"The strength of the Purple Xuanxian Kingdom is still in the law. I hope you can understand that you have a strong emperor and a strong Danxiao Palace to compete."
Yunzhu sighed lightly and said nothing.
In fact, she also knows her father’s difficulties.
Over the years, there have been great changes in the fairy land, and the situation is chaotic. All the fairy lands have changed hands one after another, and several emperors and strong men have also become ministers and immortals in the morning and evening.
Of course, there are also strong emperors who refuse to bend.
For example, Emperor Qingxiao in Qingxiao Fairyland doesn’t want to be a minister in the morning and evening. Conflicts have broken out and Qingxiao Palace has been completely destroyed!
Nowadays, there is chaos and war in the fairy land.
Several other fairy regions are also in turmoil, and everyone is in danger.
In this kind of chaos, it is unknown whether Zixuan Xianguo can be preserved.
King Zixuanxian really doesn’t want to rock the boat, and he really can’t be taunted with Danxiao Palace.
Yunzhu took people to Danxiao Fairyland long ago, but she cultivated the realm of true spirit. She was surrounded by Danxiao Palace and fled with Xiao Ning.
Thought of here, Yunzhu really has some Pei Xiao Ning, the Taoist couple.
She can’t help but feel a little fear at the thought of the man in black coming out of the body!
The man in black called’ Night Spirit’ is too strong!
Although it is true, its means of killing is unprecedented, which is terrible.
That kind of creature should be said to be a family of gods.
And this night spirit seems to be much more powerful and terrible than ordinary gods!
All over is not a murder weapon!
Yunzhu witnessed with his own eyes that the night spirit had crossed the great realm to fight to death a cave king!