

1. **滋补养生**:阿胶鸡蛋汤富含多种营养成分,能够为身体提供全面的滋养,增强体质,对维护身体健康大有裨益。

2. **补血养颜**:阿胶中含有的胶原蛋白有助于补充人体所需的胶原蛋白,而鸡蛋中的蛋白质、卵磷脂等成分则有助于改善贫血状况,提高免疫力,从而有助于保持皮肤的健康和美丽。

3. **润肺止咳**:阿胶鸡蛋汤具有润肺止咳、化痰祛燥的功效,对于慢性咳嗽、咳痰、气喘等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **改善失眠**:汤中的多种氨基酸、维生素等成分能够滋养神经,缓解焦虑、紧张等情绪,有助于改善睡眠质量。

5. **促进消化**:阿胶鸡蛋汤中的蛋白质和胶质能够促进肠胃蠕动,改善胃肠功能,有助于消化和吸收。

6. **增强抵抗力**:通过滋补身体,阿胶鸡蛋汤有助于增强人体的抵抗力,预防一些常见疾病。

7. **适合特定人群**:特别适合产后虚弱、手术后需要恢复身体的患者,以及儿童和老人等脾胃虚弱的人群。



1. **保健养生**:保山南红富含多种对人体有益的微量元素,如铁、锌、硒、铜、铬等。这些元素能够促进人体的血液循环和新陈代谢,对身体健康大有裨益。长期佩戴保山南红,能够增强免疫力、促进消化、降低脂肪,对中老年人还有安神助眠、提升睡眠质量的功效。


2. **美容护肤**:保山南红的细腻质地和油润光泽,对女性尤为适宜。佩戴南红玛瑙能够润滑皮肤,提高内分泌,加强血液循环,使面色红润,从而达到美容护肤的效果。

3. **调节生理**:保山南红被认为对肝病、风湿、神经痛等疾病有缓和作用。此外,它还能调节血压,强化骨骼,对内分泌系统也有良好的调节作用。

4. **文化价值**:保山南红历史悠久,早在战国时期就被人们开采利用。其丰富的文化底蕴和独特的审美价值,使其成为收藏家们争相追捧的珍品。

5. **市场价值**:由于保山南红产量稀少,加工难度大,其市场价值逐年攀升。纯正的红色南红,因其透光效果好,颜色饱满,更加珍贵。

6. **独特审美**:保山南红的颜色丰富多样,包括红色、橙红色、紫红色等。其中,纯正的红色南红透光效果更好,常常被形容为“红如火焰”,在灯光下呈现出独特而迷人的光芒。

7. **加工工艺**:保山南红具有较高的加工价值,尤其是纯手工打磨的珠子,圆润光滑,形状规整,大小均匀,极具收藏价值。



1. **降血压**:桦树茸被认为有降低血压的作用,它通过清除自由基和抗氧化,抑制血压波动,通过生物反馈机制调整血压至人体最佳状态。


2. **降血糖**:树茸具有促进胰岛素排泄的效果,有助于降低血糖,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助调节作用。

3. **降血脂**:它能够降低血液中的胆固醇、三酸甘油脂及低密度脂蛋白,对血脂的调节有积极作用。

4. **抗氧化和延缓衰老**:树茸含有超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),能够清除体内的自由基,具有抗氧化的作用,有助于延缓衰老。


5. **保护血管**:树茸中的灵芝多糖成分能够修复损伤的细胞膜,提高细胞膜的封闭度和延展性,保护细胞,增强机体生命活力。


6. **抗癌作用**:含有抗癌成分,能够提高免疫细胞的活力,抑制癌细胞扩散和复发,在胃肠内防止致癌物质等有害物质的吸收,并促进排泄。

7. **调节免疫**:树茸可以增强机体免疫功能,提高抵抗力。

8. **抗菌消炎**:它含有多种生物碱,具有抗菌消炎的作用。

9. **镇静安神**:树茸归心经、肝经、脾经、胃经和大肠经,具有疏肝健脾、清热解毒、镇静安神的功效。

10. **辅助治疗其他疾病**:对于高血压、高血脂、高胆固醇、糖尿病、动脉硬化等症有治疗作用,还可以用于治疗胃炎、肝炎、消化性溃疡、肾炎等疾病。




### 1. 金流水的优势

– **小额收益**:金流水通过频繁交易实现小额利润,这些利润累积起来可以成为额外的收入来源。
– **风险相对较低**:由于每次交易金额较小,因此潜在的风险也相对较低,对于理财新手来说,这是一种相对安全的尝试。
– **灵活性**:投资者可以根据自己的判断和市场情况灵活调整交易策略,以适应不同的市场条件。


– **补充收入**:对于主要工作收入有限的人来说,金流水可以作为一种补充收入来源。

### 2. 金流水的风险

– **行情判断失误**:频繁交易要求投资者对市场行情有准确的判断,一旦判断失误,可能会造成损失。
– **市场波动**:市场波动可能会对频繁交易的投资者造成较大的影响,尤其是在市场剧烈波动时。


– **成本考虑**:频繁交易可能会产生较高的交易成本,这些成本可能会抵消部分收益。

### 3. 金流水不亏本金的方法

– **使用理财工具**:例如稳赢计划软件app,通过深度学习和财富管理,提供个性化的投资策略,帮助控制风险。
– **风险管理**:合理分配投资组合,分散风险,避免将所有资金投入到单一产品。
– **市场分析**:对市场进行深入分析,选择合适的时机进行交易。
– **适度交易**:避免频繁交易,以免产生过高的交易成本。

### 4. 金流水在游戏领域的应用





1. **解毒作用**:苏麻籽能够解毒,对于因食用鱼虾等食物导致的过敏反应有缓解作用。当出现中毒症状时,可以用苏麻籽与生姜一起煎服。

2. **预防感冒和散寒**:苏麻籽具有祛风寒的功效,尤其在天气变化大时,如春夏交替或天气骤冷时,可以预防感冒,缓解鼻塞流涕等症状。

3. **润肺祛痰**:苏麻籽能下气消痰,平喘止咳,适用于因天气原因导致的痰多咳喘症状。对于常受寒、喉咙发炎、咳嗽多痰的人群,苏麻籽煮汤饮用有助于预防咳嗽。

4. **预防血栓**:苏麻籽对大脑和神经部位的正常功能有维护作用,能够保护大脑和神经系统,从而预防血栓的形成。


5. **预防高血压和高血脂**:苏麻籽含有丰富的营养成分,有助于降低血压和血脂,对心血管健康有益。

6. **消炎杀菌**:苏麻籽中含有天然挥发油和芳香类物质,能消灭人体内的多种细菌,阻止炎症滋生,对气管炎、肺炎等炎症性疾病有辅助治疗作用。

7. **增强抗过敏能力**:苏麻籽能增强身体抗过敏的能力,减少过敏症状,调节人体免疫力,增强对过敏原的抵抗性。

8. **润肠通便**:苏麻籽具有降气化痰、润肠通便的功效,可用于治疗痰壅气逆、咳嗽气喘、肠燥便秘等病症。




1. **治疗萎缩性胃炎**:维酶素是治疗萎缩性胃炎的常用药物之一。萎缩性胃炎是一种慢性胃炎,维酶素可以通过保护胃黏膜,促进胃黏膜的修复和再生,来改善病情。

2. **治疗食道上皮增生症**:维酶素对于食道上皮增生症也有一定的治疗作用。食道上皮增生症是指食道上皮细胞异常增生的一种病症,维酶素可能有助于减缓这种异常增生。

3. **辅助治疗肝炎**:对于各型肝炎的辅助治疗,维酶素也可以发挥作用,帮助改善肝脏功能。


4. **预防癌变**:维酶素可能有助于预防因细胞增生导致的癌变,对于有癌变风险的个体,可能是一种有益的辅助治疗药物。

5. **改善消化不良**:维酶素对消化不良也有一定的调节作用,有助于改善患者的肠胃不适。

6. **促进维生素B2的转化**:维酶素中的维生素B2在体内可以转化为黄素单核苷酸和黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸,这些是组织呼吸的重要辅酶,可以激活维生素B6,将色氨酸转化为烟酸,并可能维持红细胞的完整性。

7. **尿液颜色变化**:服用维酶素后,尿液可能会呈现荧光黄绿色,这是正常的药物反应,不必过分担心。

8. **安全性**:目前尚未发现维酶素有明显的不良反应,但过敏体质者应禁用,且药品性状发生改变时禁止使用。


However, his sword is still trying to force the other side to take a step back, and the 30th move will come to an end.

If it is deadlocked, the other side will have another chance to fight back.
On the sidelines, the parents are clamoring to drink, and Jing Dengling is called to win quickly. Huanyu is as pale as a blank sheet of paper and full of sweat, showing the exhausted expression of gnashing his teeth.
Jing Dengling’s whip and sword tightly pressed the other side until he was able to resist the other side’s challenge, so that he could slow down and fight back.
Both Jing Dengshao and Situ Dengyu, who were deadlocked, clearly saw Huan Yu’s expression suddenly shut up and shoot pity light in his eyes.
Huan Yu’s eyelids are heavy, as if there are two pieces of aluminum pressed down, and his mind is also in a daze and darkness.
He shook his body at a glance and was about to collapse to the ground. Suddenly, the sword picked up Jing Dengling and took a step back.
Hanging swords and hanging emotions Chapter 24 Failure is divided into two boundless.
Chapter 24 Failure is divided into two boundless
Thirty tricks were full, but he didn’t have any strength to hit the ground
Jing Dengling also gasped and sat on the ground. Situ Dengyu quickly rushed to Huan Yu’s side and took out five silver needles. He quickly inserted them in five different acupuncture points in Huan Yu’s body and heaved a long sigh of relief. It seems that Fang is greatly relieved now.
Jing Dengling knocked at the gate, and the cool night breeze swept through the houses. They were all comfortable and breathing was very relaxed.
Peter said that shortly after Hua Yumei sent Hengyu away, the three old people in Longhuzhuang went to the three places. After they left, she led Lai Cai and Wu Fang back to the stone house behind the nunnery with peace of mind.
The next morning, there was a peck at the door. When I looked at the door, there were two people, one was a middle-aged man in a blue gown, and the other was a light fur and a gentle belt. Your husband was holding a fan.
Before they could speak, Long Yu came out of the room and said, "But is Uncle Zhu coming?"
The blue middle-aged humanitarian "the girl is wise and wise, and she really guessed that she would not hesitate to visit the girl in Lianchong with her younger brother Sage."
Long Yumei came out gracefully, but it seemed that she was going to go out of town to dress up in a neat cloak.
Lian Chong and Sage were dazzled when they saw her charming appearance.
Hua Yumei smiled and said to Cai Cai, "Call Wu Fang out."
Come and ask, "Is it necessary to prepare horses and chariots?"
She shook her head and said, "You can’t go out with me this time." Lian Chong sighed, "The girl’s clever plan really makes people admire. Our other disciples are here to invite the girl to go out with us. The teacher is waiting for Fang Jia."
Come and collect Wu Fang and Hua Yumei and tell them to stay in this house and not to leave until they get the order.
Although Wu Fang was relieved, not only did he know that Hua Yumei was forced to marry someone who didn’t really love each other, but she would definitely not have life worries, and her wisdom might come back safely in an accident, so he was passive.
Sage turned around and went out to blink. A light carriage drove to Po Lianchong and accompanied Hua Yumei to the hillside.
The other disciples were accompanied by Hua Tianmei, sitting in a carriage and driving forward quickly. Soon they passed through Daming Fucheng and left the city from the west gate.
The carriage galloped on the avenue for more than ten miles and suddenly turned into a mountain road and soon reached a river.
After several miles of turning to the northeast along this river, the carriage suddenly stopped and Lian Chong said, "Please take a girl’s car when we arrive!"
At first, I jumped up and lifted the curtain of the car, got out of the car and looked around, but I saw a river winding in the wilderness of Pingchou, with beautiful scenery.
There is a manor house by the river, which covers a fairly wide area. Lianchong said, "This is the secluded place where my teacher lives."
King Sago said, "But Biezhuang is the flying porch that we live with in Liujia, but we live alone on the side of Zhuang." Hua Yumei lifted up her eyes and saw a flying porch built on the river. The Biwa Zhulan was very elegant. They accompanied her from the pontoon bridge to the porch and climbed the river. It was chilly, but they were all skilled people and didn’t take the cold wind to heart.
Her first impression when she saw Zhu Gongxi in the porch was that Zhu Gongxi firewood was thin.
Lian Chong and Sage Wang both withdrew from the porch and Zhu Gongxi looked at the window for a while before taking a thing and throwing it into her arms.
Hua Yumei took out a piece of white paper wrapped in a bundle of posts, but she didn’t take it apart and hid it in her arms. "Did Uncle Zhu call me here to show me this?"

"Report to my bodhi old zu and grandchildren that I never went there. I have been staying in Huodancheng and finished what the bodhi old zu told me by the way. If there is half an empty word, I will be cut off in this life." Jin Jian swore by heaven.

Jin Qiuwen’s face softened. The yogi attaches great importance to swearing and never dares to swear poison easily.
Especially when it comes to the realm of Jin Jian, its own avenue has reached a critical moment, and you must never lie, otherwise Du Jie’s oath will trigger the robbery of the avenue and cause it to fall on the spot.
"In that case, that’s good."
Jin Qiu said that he released Jin Jian’s freedom with a ban, but Jin Jian was too cautious to move. He thanked him with tears and said, "Grandson, thank you for your letter!"
"I have wronged you, but you also know that I have to be cautious about the ancestral hallows. Now tell me what you are doing in Fire Dancheng." Jin Jian lightly comforted 1 and immediately ordered.
Jin Jian then told his own experience in Huodancheng again, that is, everything was in his own body except Yu Guihai.
Jin Qiu then focused on asking several details, but he didn’t know that Yu Guihai was also thinking that there would be a palm road, the strength of the strong appeared in the fire Dan city, and he couldn’t ask the point.
Jin Jian truthfully answered that the root didn’t show any flaws.
At this time, Jin Qiu believed that the absolute sacred body of Huodancheng had a great deal
So he decided to go to Huodancheng immediately.
"Well, you said it was very important. Now I’ve decided to go to Huodan City to explore the matter myself. You come with me."
Say that finish gold for waving two people disappeared.
Soon Jin Qiu and the two men came to Huodancheng.
Huodan City is a big city located at the junction of Luan Ma clan and Jidao Sect of Golden Blood Sect, occupying a very important blessed land, and its geographical position is quite important, and it is the third largest city in Golden Blood Sect.
There are more than a dozen people here who are guarded by the strong in the Golden Blood Sect.
A gold quest didn’t disturb people, so Jin Jian led the way to check the place where he had been, but he found one.
Then he asked Jin Jian to call others.
Jin Jian then sent a message one after another to call all the strong people who stayed here in the Taoist temple.
Gal was not so good, and Jin Qiu was immediately intimidated.
With the arrival of the personnel, the fragments of the sacristy in his hand actually reacted one after another. After careful examination, he found that many powerful people in this place could actually activate the fragments of the sacristy to react.
At this time, Jin Qiu was finally convinced that Jin Jian had definitely not seen the Hallows, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to react.
However, he is also convinced that the fire Dan city must have a greater sacristy body than the sacristy body, which is located somewhere in the city, which has caused the strong people in this place to be contaminated with a little breath, so that they can move the sacristy fragments to react.
He experimented with the strong in the Daoist realm, but no one could make the fragments of the Hallows react again.
This also explains that the sacristy is a congenital spiritual treasure, and if it is located nearby, it can absorb a little breath of the sacristy when practicing.
And the strong in the Daoist realm are too weak to absorb the breath of the sacred body, which causes the situation that the strong in the Daoist realm have the breath of the sacred body here.
In this way, the number of people is greatly reduced, and the position of the sacred body is better determined
Jin Qiu was happy, but he didn’t find that Jin Jian secretly sent a strange signal.
He immediately let many strong people in the Taoist temple cooperate to find the position of the sacred body.
However, the truth is not that he guessed that everyone had already fallen into the sea and the slaves cooperated with each other to deceive him. This is a doomed action.
Far away Yu Guihai opened his eyes.
Pass me a message.
He took a closer look at it and taught Jin Jian to read it. After that, his face showed a smile.
I didn’t expect to worry about it for nothing
The golden blood taught old Jin Zu to ask for something that Jin Jian was controlled, but the fragments of life and death in his hand responded to Jin Jian.
This should be due to the fact that Jin Jian was automatically carried with a weak breath of life and death by life and death control.
In this way, in a short time, he will not have to worry about Jin Qiu finding out that Jin Jian and others are being controlled.
And now he has several elixirs left to ripen, and all the promotion drugs have been prepared, and soon he will be able to break through.
Besides, Yu Guihai’s Lingbao is almost refined.
Among them, the shield was chained together by his ghost, which made the two treasures complement each other.
Yu Bangbang and the fire, water, yin and yang dzi beads have not been re-refined, but he has already prepared a draft to refine these two treasures into one.
Chapter 1171 Ssangyong, Vision, Rise and Fall
A huge dark iron bar stands like a giant column in heaven and earth, and a huge mountain ball is hung at one end, left and right.

Now, my innate Lingbao has been bred, just crossing the flower. 10 robberies refined the purity of the innate Lingbao with the help of doom, and then stepped into the sky to cut out the future, standing in the long river of destiny throughout the ancient and modern times.

In the imperial city of Beijing, there was Zongyuan Tianwang around that day.
"The Taoist priest didn’t know that when the capital rebelled against the Party, it could be completely eradicated, and it would be better to understand me. After the incident, it would definitely help the patriarchal clan to pass through the sky. My Terran was the first case." The righteous day looked at the original king sitting on one side in the room and showed his expectation.
The original heavenly king heard a little silence before saying, "To tell you the truth, Zong has not yet started work, but he is waiting for the machine!"
"Waiting for the knitting machine?" The sense of honor dynasty emperor one leng.
"Yes, just waiting for the knitting machine!" The original king face handsome handsome some beyond imagination.
"Buddhism is waiting for the weaving machine, so we don’t take the initiative? Nowadays, it is not smooth for a general to support the great cause of Zongdao, and all the younger brothers are damaged. If the general does not save our Buddhists, he can’t spend it everywhere. "The Emperor’s sense of honor said.
Listening to the emperor’s sense of honor, the original king shook his head. "I’m not the only one who’s waiting for the machine."
"How do you say?" Emperor’s sense of honor one leng.
The original king looked at the emperor’s sense of honor across the street and solemnly said, "Now there must be a strong man born in the agitation of fate. Nine cases of Buddhists are waiting for someone to prove that they can defeat each other with the help of fate! Moreover, the Buddhist Kong Xuan has a five-color shekinah, so I may not be able to take him. "
"It’s impossible for Buddhists to be able to compete with the court!" Emperor’s sense of honor exclaimed
The original heavenly king closed his eyes and said in his heart, "Who can compare with me when I prove that the direct achievement is detached from the strong of the older generation? I don’t know whether it is reincarnation or reincarnation."
I was thinking of suddenly seeing the turmoil of heaven and earth, and the golden light was soaring, and the golden lotus was countless. The fairy sang the rain in all directions, but it was a celebration of energy fluctuations and crazy convergence towards Taiping Road.
The godfather of Heaven and Earth looked at each other and immediately looked ecstatic. A pair of eyes looked at the Terran earth. It was too easy to teach the ancestor. "Good old man, you are too arrogant. You have become the first descendant of my Terran to prove the ancient way. It must be Zhang Jiao, the child. The unique innate law of this way is strange, but you hand-picked Tianjiao and it must be his suspicion."
"Congratulations to the opening angle for proving that you have a statue of the strong enemy in Taiping Road." Too Huang’s ancestors’ eyes are full of envy and jealousy. This Taiping Road is so lucky. Why do all the masters appear in Taiping Road? There is a opening angle in the middle, and then there is a opening angle. This Terran benefit has been won by Taiping Road.
Looking at the endless gathering, the ancestors of Taiyi Sect said, "I didn’t expect to become a Taoist at this time. It’s time for my family to rise and achieve the great cause of Dingding. The general trend of Buddhism should be contained!"
"Buddhist monks are a group of little people who plot against each other behind their backs. What’s the strong man? Now he deserves the great fortune of Buddhism and is carved up by my clan." Tai Dou’s ancestor hated to gnash his teeth, and the Terran ancestor worked hard to plan it, but it became a Buddhist. Tell the Buddhist to pick up the cheap. Do you want the Terran ancestor to be angry?
"Ha, ha, ha, I really want to see what Amitabha’s face is at this time."
SIRS the godfather talked and laughed. That’s the one ancestor who looked at the Taiping ancestor. "Taiping, why don’t you smile?" Don’t laugh at such a happy event? "
Taiping ancestor took a deep breath "something is wrong! I know this is not the opening angle qi machine, nor the opening angle enlightenment. "
Hearing this, everyone was shocked that all the ancestors opened their eyes and looked at the world. Immediately, all of them were stunned. "How could it be him?"
"Impossible?" Grandfather Tai Huang’s eyes are full of shock.
"Although this small in Taiping Road is arrogant, how can it be him if it never shows hill and not dew? Where is the opening angle? " Grandfather Taiyi’s eyes are full of incomprehension.
"It seems that Taiping Dao is really a treasure trove. This old thing is not so good, but it’s lucky enough. How can it be that Taiping Dao is a brother? According to my prediction, it should be Muqingzhu and Mo Xie Liu. "Tai Su’s ancestor snapped his mouth." Taiping Road, what is this dumb luck opening angle is really disappointing. "
"How can it be him if it’s not the opening angle!" The strong man’s eyes are full of amazement because he knows more clearly than Tai Su’s ancestor because of the law of controlling the wind
"who!" Tai Su’s godfather turned a blind eye after one leng, but his face was startled. "How could it be him? Why not the opening angle? "
Not only the Terran but also the Demon clan has fried the pot at this time. How long has it taken for the Terran to have a strong birth and the Demon clan can feel better?
Fox god world
The fox god winked at the Terran Tribe and nodded, "It turned out that someone in Taiping Road became a Taoist palace. I remember that there was a tianjiao in Taiping Road named Zhang Jiao, but it was a good time for him to become a Taoist!"
"Something is wrong! Something is wrong! I’ve seen the opening angle qi machine, but it’s another person. I seem to have seen the bodhi old zu qi machine, "Jade bodhi old zu patting his head."
"Not the opening angle qi machine?" Fox god one leng after carefully look at through the energy storm to see the figure immediately after one leng "how is that possible! This little guy is just a famous pawn. Although he is blessed by his family, why should he become a Taoist? "
Yaozu dadi
The elephant god and the tiger god are startled. Look at me. I don’t think you know what to say.
"The Terran has become a monk again. It seems that the center of Terran’s new world has been changed." Like God, Nai sighed.
"Shall we go and celebrate?" Tiger God said sullenly, "The demon race has retired. I don’t think we need to go."
"Ah, a yard is a yard. The demon family is a demon family. The demon god is a demon god. We are all strong. How can we go and have a look without this mind?" Like a god, otherwise.
Magic protoss
Twelve fiends, you look at me, I look at you, and then a stuffy hum centipede bodhi old zu bared his teeth. "If it weren’t for fear of causing trouble to my magic protoss bodhi old zu, I’d have to mess up the Terran."
"Are we going to celebrate this terran’s enlightenment?" Wolf Shinto Road
"What to go! Terrans are despicable, cunning, insidious and shameful people. Let’s continue to cultivate and restore our magic protoss strength. This matter must not be stopped. "The lion roared and returned to peace again."
Two dragon palace Jin Lin Aole respectively raised his head a pair of eyes to look at the Terran direction "is good luck! Good luck! The palace still needs to celebrate in the past. Now it is the protagonist of heaven and earth who should go to celebrate. "
Brocade scales in the eyes of chaos hazy "interesting! Terran is really interesting! Taiping Road is a treasure trove, but there is some interest. "
Looking at the soaring aurora in Taiping Road, the earth-shattering thunderous light flowers poured down and the golden lotus poured down, and the rain drenched his clothes. The opening angle of his eyes was full of confusion and incomprehension. "What? Who became a Taoist? I am Tianping Road Tianjiao, and I am the most promising person in Taiping Road. Who is the enlightenment! What is ahead of me? "
Opening Angle eyes angry "who is it! Who took my chance! Who is it … "
"Click" the magic weapon in the hand of Zhang Jiao was excited and turned into dust by it. The transient innate light went up into the sky and plunged into the light beam. "I must see who it is."
Chapter 2134 Enlightenment! Strange swarm of insects in the lock demon tower!
Before the opening angle rushed into the sky, it was taken away by a big hand.
"Godfather!" Looking at Taiping’s ancestor’s opening angle, he immediately made a respectful ceremony at one leng.
"Be calm" Taiping ancestor nodded.
At this moment, SIRS ancestors have come to the field to guard the huge light beam.
Outside the capital, Jade Duxiu’s eyes are full of astonishment, reaching out and catching the rain. A pair of eyes look in the direction of Taiping Road with a sigh. "Taiping Road is really a lucky road. I didn’t expect the opening angle to become again … Oh, something is wrong. That’s not the opening angle … Damn it, how could it be that Wang wrote this little?"
Jade Duxiu looked at the sky in the distance in amazement. There were too many puzzles in the eyes of the light beam. "Although Wang Zhuan was outstanding, he was a lot worse than Zhang Jiao. It is reasonable to say that Zhang Jiao became a Taoist. How was Wang Zhuan preempted by this little thing?"
In fact, this is not just a doubt of jade alone, but a common doubt of all the strong in the heavens and the earth.
Several strong people have gathered to look at the king’s eyes in the light beam full of strange colors.
Look at the spring breeze, immersed in the sentiment of the avenue, and then look at the gloomy opening angle. How can there be a sense of disobedience?
It’s not just that the strong men came to Jade Duxiu, but also ran over to join in the fun. Looking at the light beam, Wang wrote a sigh gently. "Wang wrote this person’s good fortune road and ran in front of the opening angle. Wang wrote the first witness road. There are still some roads in the opening angle. If it is called the opening angle, the first witness road will be broken."
At this time, Yu Duxiu turned into a young man, who sighed gently in the presence. A friar asked curiously, "Is this brother’s statement insightful?"
Look at the familiar faces around you, revealing the treacherous jade Duxiu suddenly one leng Wang Daoling this fellow how also leaned in?

Can hang Yu have a person who can’t defeat more than a dozen robbers in the spirit world at the same time even if he has reached level 4!

Jiang Nan didn’t even come to dissuade him.
Hang Yu directly became completely disappeared.
Onion Shao was dumbfounded and said, "I think he is crazy!" "
Hang Yu is not crazy.
It’s these thieves who are crazy
They actually grabbed someone’s head!
To die for them, Hang Yu is the god of plague and must not be provoked.
However, the lion fighting rabbit is still able to go to the spirit world, and the robber’s fighting power is still not bad.
Hang Yu didn’t take them seriously, but he made sure that in case of loss, there would be no fish escaping from the net. He decided to investigate first before starting work.
Hang Yu closes his eyes
Launch eagle eye operation
The common eagle eye has a reconnaissance perspective, and when it is accepted by the scout, it can freely choose between the two perspectives, and the choice method is also very simple.
If you launch the eagle eye operation with your eyes closed, you can overlook the investigation. The eagle eye has a very wide field of vision and can move the investigation.
If you launch Hawkeye skills with your eyes open, it will directly strengthen the normal field of vision and have a stronger ability to detect stealth units.
Hang Yu’s eyes closed and his skills were launched.
A new vision, direct brain connection
He felt that he had turned into a hovering eagle, overlooking the forest. The radius of vision could reach 500 meters, and the eagle eye had a strong insight, which could distinguish prey hiding in the trees through gaps in the forest.
One two three four five six seven …
Hang Yu marked the targets one by one.
There is one thing about the robbers in the spirit world: blood fog haunts them all over.
This blood fog is not an equipment or skill effect, but a special aura called "blood aura", and there is usually one way to obtain blood aura-kill the same family or alliance family!
According to the rules of the spirit world
Only by killing aliens or monsters can you get aura directly.
If you hunt your kin or clan, you won’t get aura directly.
But the killed target does lose its aura. Where are these aura?
Actually, these reiki will wrap around the slayer’s body!
This aura is blood aura.
Xueling for short
Blood spirit can also be absorbed.
But the absorption speed is relatively slow
Some stone tablets or special objects in the spiritual world can purify the blood spirit quickly. Although it is relatively expensive, once it is purified, it will become an ordinary aura and can be absorbed by the body immediately.
In other words
Killing the same kind of alliance can also plunder aura.
However, the process of reiki absorption has a limited cost.