
1. **药材资源丰富**:半夏在旱地中生长,是一种野生中药材。其块茎具有燥湿化痰、降逆止呕、消痞散结等功效,在中医治疗中广泛应用。因此,半夏的旱地生长为中药提供了丰富的药材资源。

2. **生态适应性**:半夏原产于我国,喜温暖湿润气候,但也能在旱地中生长。这种适应性使得半夏可以在多种生态环境下种植,为中药种植提供了多样性。


3. **经济价值**:半夏在旱地生长,不需要大量的灌溉和施肥,对土壤要求不高,可以充分利用旱地资源。半夏种植不仅可以提高土地的利用效率,还能为农民带来经济收入,促进农村经济发展。

4. **脱贫致富**:如参考信息[5]所述,半夏在甘肃省陇南市西和县等地的种植,使当地农民通过种植半夏实现了脱贫致富。半夏的旱地种植成为当地农民增收的重要途径。


5. **生态保护**:半夏在旱地生长,可以改善土壤结构,提高土壤肥力,有利于生态环境的保护。同时,半夏的种植还可以减少农药和化肥的使用,降低对环境的污染。



1. **养血滋阴**:安神胶囊通过其成分如炒酸枣仁、何首乌等,能够滋养血液,补充阴液,对于阴血不足导致的症状有显著改善作用。

2. **养心安神**:其中主要成分酸枣仁具有养心安神的功效,能够缓解失眠多梦、心悸不宁等症状,对于心神不宁、五心烦热、盗汗耳鸣等都有一定的治疗作用。

3. **多靶点治疗**:安神胶囊中的多种药材如川芎、知母、麦冬、丹参等,各自具有不同的药理作用,共同作用于人体,协同治疗失眠、心悸、烦躁等症状。

4. **调节神经**:安神胶囊中的成分如五味子、茯苓等,有助于调节神经系统,改善神经衰弱、健忘、头晕等神经性症状。

5. **改善睡眠质量**:安神胶囊对于改善睡眠质量有积极作用,适用于失眠多梦、入睡困难等睡眠问题。


6. **非处方药**:安神胶囊属于非处方药,便于患者自我购买和使用,但使用前仍需仔细阅读说明书,按推荐剂量和疗程服用。

7. **安全性**:作为纯中药制剂,安神胶囊相较于一些西药,可能具有较低的不良反应风险,但仍需在医生指导下使用,特别是孕妇、胃肠功能差的患者以及肝肾功能不全者。


8. **注意事项**:服用安神胶囊期间,患者应保持情绪乐观,避免生气、恼怒,同时戒烟酒,少吃辛辣、油腻食物。感冒发热期间不宜服用。



1. **观赏价值**:
– 彩菊色彩丰富,花形多样,是园林绿化、家庭装饰的常用植物,能够美化环境,提升观赏性。

2. **药用价值**:
– 彩菊含有多种营养成分,如氨基酸、矿物质和微量元素等,具有一定的药用价值。
– 传统中医认为,彩菊具有清热解毒、明目、降血压等功效。
– 彩菊茶是一种常见的饮品,可以用来缓解疲劳、清热解毒。


3. **健康益处**:
– 消炎:彩菊中的某些成分具有消炎作用,可以用于治疗口腔溃疡、咽喉炎等。
– 抗氧化:彩菊中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。
– 提神醒脑:彩菊具有一定的提神作用,适合疲劳时饮用。

4. **环保作用**:


– 彩菊生命力强,耐旱耐寒,适应性强,是良好的环保植物。
– 在城市绿化中,彩菊能够净化空气,吸收有害物质,改善环境质量。

5. **心理作用**:
– 观赏彩菊能够给人带来愉悦的心情,有助于缓解压力,提高生活质量。

6. **经济价值**:
– 彩菊具有较高的经济价值,市场需求稳定,是农民增收的好项目。



1. **维生素A和维生素D的补充**:
– 维生素A:有助于维持正常的视觉功能,预防夜盲症和干眼症,同时促进上皮组织的健康,增强皮肤和粘膜的保护作用。
– 维生素D:有助于钙的吸收,促进骨骼和牙齿的正常发育,预防佝偻病和骨软化症,对孕妇和儿童尤为重要。

2. **骨骼健康**:
– 鱼肝油中的维生素D和维生素A有助于骨骼对钙的吸收,从而增强骨骼强度,预防骨质疏松。

3. **促进新陈代谢和免疫力**:
– 鱼肝油中的EPA和DHA等成分有助于促进新陈代谢,提高人体免疫力,具有一定的抗癌和防癌作用。


4. **心血管健康**:
– 鱼肝油中的成分有助于促进脂肪代谢,分解胆固醇,清理血管壁上的油脂,从而有助于降低血压和血脂,对三高人群有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **神经系统和睡眠**:
– 鱼肝油中的维生素B族有助于营养神经,改善睡眠质量。

6. **皮肤和粘膜健康**:
– 鱼肝油中的维生素A和维生素D有助于维持皮肤和粘膜的健康,预防皮肤干燥和感染。

7. **孕妇和儿童的特殊益处**:
– 对孕妇来说,鱼肝油有助于减少感冒的发生,促进胎儿骨骼和大脑的发育。
– 对儿童来说,鱼肝油有助于视力发育,促进骨骼和牙齿的生长。



1. **预防便秘和改善消化**:三白瓜含有丰富的膳食纤维,能够吸水膨胀,软化大便,促进肠道蠕动,有助于预防便秘,对排便困难的人群有很好的缓解作用。

2. **提高免疫力**:三白瓜中含有丰富的维生素C,能够促进免疫物质的产生,从而提高人体的免疫力。

3. **防癌抗癌和抗衰老**:三白瓜富含多种氨基酸、矿物盐和维生素,具有防癌、抗癌和抗衰老的作用。

4. **防治肝炎**:三白瓜对各种肝炎有一定的防治效果。

5. **治疗鼻衄、视力模糊和心脑血管疾病**:三白瓜对于因中热引起的鼻衄、视力模糊以及心脑血管病、高血压高血脂有一定的治疗效果。


6. **利尿消肿**:三白瓜具有通利小便、利尿消肿的功效,对于因大便短赤、尿少所导致的腹水肿胀有一定的改善作用。

7. **美容护肤**:三白瓜含水量高,热量低,含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,有助于润泽肌肤,保持皮肤清新细腻、洁白、健康。

8. **减肥**:三白瓜不含脂肪,热量低,适合减肥人群食用。

9. **补充营养**:三白瓜含有丰富的蛋白质、矿物质和维生素等营养物质,可以补充身体所需的营养成分。

10. **辅助治疗糖尿病**:三白瓜籽对糖尿病有一定的疗效。



1. **健脾开胃**:山楂具有健脾开胃、消食化滞的功效,有助于改善消化不良、食欲不振等问题。

2. **活血化瘀**:山楂和红糖都具有活血化瘀的作用,对于缓解产后腹痛、痛经等因血瘀引起的症状有辅助治疗作用。

3. **降低血脂和血压**:山楂含有多种有机酸、黄酮类化合物等成分,有助于降低血脂和血压,对心血管疾病有一定的预防作用。

4. **强心和抗心律不齐**:山楂中的成分有助于强心,对抗心律不齐有一定的疗效。

5. **抗衰老和抗癌**:山楂和红糖中所含的维生素C、胡萝卜素等物质,具有抗氧化作用,能够增强机体的免疫力,预防衰老和癌症。


6. **调节月经**:红糖山楂水对月经不调有调节作用,对于因寒凝血瘀引起的痛经有缓解效果。

7. **改善心血管功能**:红糖山楂水可以扩张血管,增加冠脉血流量,改善心脏活力,对预防和治疗心血管疾病有益。

8. **帮助消化**:红糖山楂水有助于促进食物的消化,对消化不良和胃胀满等症状有改善作用。


9. **润肺止咳**:红糖具有润肺止咳的功效,对于咳嗽有一定的缓解作用。

10. **补血**:红糖富含铁质和多种维生素,有助于补血,对于女性生理期的补血有很好的作用。



Lin Yang horror can’t help but heart dark scold 1.

In a trance, he seems to have seen the corpse living in the back of the corpse reveal a sneer full of irony. This sneer is so strange and so creepy. The corpse seems to be laughing at Lin Yang’s overreaching and seems to be happy that he is about to get a new corpse. Unfortunately, it laughs too early.
A fast-flashing shadow suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yang and stopped this deadly white hair.
Chapter 29 Purify evil spirits
The shadow in front of Lin Yang is not anything but a cat spirit with a perfect body and red eyes. This cat spirit has been refined into a utensil. After seeing Lin Yang in distress, Liu Xiying called out the extremely fast cat spirit and asked it to come to support Lin Yang.
At the moment, facing the corpse, the sharp white-haired black cat stared at the crimson eyes and plumes of bloody fog rolled around its body, which was enchanting and amazing.
Accompanied by a high-pitched Lixiao cat spirit, it jumped up with its dark paws wrapped in blood fog and danced quickly.
A piece of black fog and blood-red light bloomed and shot at Linyang. The white hair was abruptly caught by the cat spirit and turned into dust. It was disgusting that a lot of pale yellow foul mucus flowed out of these white hairs after being caught, just like pus flowing out of malignant sores.
"well done"
Lin Yang praised the black cat for giving it and Liu Xiying a rest assured that he had turned around and concentrated on dealing with it himself. At the same time, he didn’t forget to order Chen Shiwen, "Chen Lao, please go after Pan Baoshan and don’t let him slip away." At this moment, he can’t let Pan Baoshan slip away. On the one hand, he wants to avenge the tragic death of nine girls. On the other hand, he perceives a trace of soul force from this corpse, that is to say, nine times out of ten, this corpse is a ghost deep soul repair. Lin Yang is very curious about what a ghost deep soul repair will become a corpse after death and be tied up. Bound in this basement to act as a self-defense weapon for Pan Baoshan, this problem can only be asked after Pan Baoshan is given a system to "white". Although Chen Shiwen is worried about Lin Yang’s safety, he also knows that he can’t let Pan Baoshan slip away like this. He should immediately follow the tunnel and recover in the direction of Pan Baoshan’s escape.
Lin Yang, on the other hand, is absorbed in dealing with this corpse that has been transformed from a ghost deep soul into a line. Fortunately, this ghost deep soul is only a corpse with no consciousness and no memory. If it retains the memory of practicing before its death, I am afraid that Lin Yang will really have no good scene today.
The walker’s right paw rubbed against Lin Yang’s head and blasted into the basement wall. In an instant, the wall made of blue bricks was smashed into pieces, and the broken bricks immediately splashed into Lin Yang.
Lin Yang doesn’t seem to feel anything about it. After the fierce offensive of the walking corpse, he once again ignited a thunder symbol.
Six snakes immediately appeared and wrapped around the Big Dipper Sword, which made this short copper sword look particularly dazzling and beautiful.
Just as the corpse turned around and ran towards him again, Lin Yang suddenly threw the Big Dipper sword at it, and the method of pinching was broken to recite the spell and complete "break". At the same time, he bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of hot blood on the Big Dipper sword.
The seven copper coins on the sword face of the Big Dipper stained with the blood on the tip of Lin Yang’s tongue lit up and competed to blossom bright starlight.
Seven starlight and six snakes quickly converge in the middle to form a cloud with stars, and the sword of Leilifa flies to the walking corpse.
The sword hit the walkers and burst into a dazzling thunder and lightning. The whole basement was shaken by the earthquake.
Although the flesh of the walking corpse is as hard as stone, the combination of the big dipper sword and the blood on the tip of the tongue of Thunder Fu Linyang is so powerful that it not only pierces its flesh, but also directly pierces its chest.
A strange call came from the back of the walker.
Then a white shadow flew rapidly.
Lin Yang, look at the real white shadow. It’s nothing but a stranger. The corpse controls the activities of the corpse. The corpse worm decisively gave up because of the danger approaching. The corpse has lost its body. The corpse worm can live for an hour at most. It has to regain control of a corpse in an hour, and now its goal can be Lin Yang.
Because there is such a living thing as Lin Yang in this basement, but after leaving the corpse, the corpse worm did not pounce on Lin Yang at the first time, but wanted to fly towards the bronze coffin in the distance.
Lin Yang suddenly recalled that he had seen some corpses in his books.
According to these sayings, the corpse insect will explode instantly when it is forced to leave the corpse. If it comes into contact with something with extremely negative properties at this time, the corpse gas will instantly turn strange white hair. It will build an indestructible nest and it can catch a suitable prey in the shortest time. Obviously, this bronze coffin for holding zombies should be an extremely negative thing. "Want to build a nest? Stop joking. "
Lin Yang’s right hand suddenly lit six tyrannical strong winds caught in the finger with a bullet of soul fire, and immediately appeared in this basement, where the corpse insect abruptly blew to Lin Yang’s face before flying to the locust tree wooden box fragments.
"Ji Ji …"
The corpse worm broke into an ugly scream and desperately waved its white hair tentacles to break free from the strong wind.
However, without the corpse and without the ability to build a nest, the strength of the corpse worm can be described as a sharp drop. How can it break free from the six strong winds?
In a short moment, the corpse worm was blown to Lin Yang by the strong wind.
Lin Yang suddenly found that the corpse worm had changed its appearance at this moment. Before, the corpse worm looked like the walking corpse face, but now the corpse worm looks like his face. Looking at the corpse worm is like looking at himself … A alienated and frightening corpse worm with closed eyes and bloodshot eyes staring straight at Lin Yang again. This scene can’t tell a strange monster. Lin Yang suddenly felt dizzy. There seems to be a voice in his heart that keeps saying to him, "Let it go. It’s not your enemy. It’s the other half of your soul to accept it."
Just as Lin Yang was about to follow this sound, Lu Xiying suddenly sounded in the depths of his soul, "Xiao Lin, don’t look at its eyes, it’s trying to confuse you."
Lin Yang immediately returned to absolute being, and quickly bit through the tip of the tongue to disperse the necrophagous bewitch with the help of pain. At the same time, he even opened his mouth to spray the blood on the tip of the tongue toward the necrophagous.
This hot blood on the tip of the tongue was directly sprayed into the bloody eye pupil of the corpse. Lin Yang’s blood contains the essence of the sun. This is the end of the world. It is a deadly and poisonous piece for the evil spirit of the corpse, such as a soldering iron ringing when it enters the water, and suddenly it comes out of the bloody eye pupil of the corpse with white fog rolling out.
In the strange cry, the corpse suddenly shrunk in size, and several foul mucus flowed out of its white hair.
In just a few seconds, the corpse worm has shrunk from a washbasin to a palm-sized one, and the whole body has shrunk into a film, and the original shape can’t be seen.
It seems that the corpse worm is dead, but Lin Yang knows that things are not so simple. If we don’t give the corpse worm a fatal blow at this time, I am afraid it will make a comeback.
Lin Yang walked quickly to the corpse and pulled out the big dipper sword that penetrated its chest.
Without the control of the corpse worm, the corpse has returned to normal, and the corpse should look like it and lie still on the ground.
However, when Lin Yang pulled out the Big Dipper sword, a jade seed bracelet fell from his flat right wrist.
At first, Lin Yang didn’t care too much about reaching out and picking up the jade seed bracelet and trying to put it back on the corpse. However, when his fingers came into contact with this string of jade seed bracelets, a pure aura came from his fingertips.
Lin Yang was startled. He never thought that this string of jade seed bracelets was actually a standard multiplier that achieved reiki folding. After hesitating for a while, Lin Yang put this string of jade seed bracelets away and studied it slowly.
"Although I don’t know who you are or what you will be possessed into a corpse by a corpse worm, don’t worry. Since you and I are both in the same vein, I will never let your body be ruined again. After this, I will definitely bury your body so that you won’t have regrets in Jiuquan."
After bowing to the unknown deceased, Lin Yang returned to the corpse worm.
Have compassion for the dead, but he has no compassion for such evil things as corpse worms.
The Big Dipper sword drew a hole in the left index finger and poured hot blood on seven copper coins. After that, Lin Yangfei quickly recited the "Pure Heaven and Earth Divine Mantra", "The heaven and earth are naturally filthy and scattered in the cave, so it is so urgent that it shakes Lang Taiyuan …"
With the last five words of the spell, the sword face of the Big Dipper bloomed with dazzling golden colors, and the golden fonts were printed on the face of seven copper coins. It was impressively that Lin Yang had just recited the article "The Divine Charm of the Pure Heaven and the Earth" and the corpse worm trembled violently. The sword face of the Big Dipper exuded awe-inspiring righteousness and blazing yang, which made it afraid.
"You shouldn’t be such an evil thing in the world. Let me purify you for good today." Lin Yang held the handle of the Big Dipper sword in his hands and stabbed at the corpse’s eyes.
As the big dipper sword pierced the corpse, a bunch of flames suddenly shot out.
The flame rose in the wind and burst into flames in an instant. The red-violet industrial fire not only brought the corpse worm into the fire, but even the mucus that just flowed out of it burned up. The flame was so powerful that the corpse worm was completely destroyed in just a few minutes, and there was no ash left in the world. "Hoo!"

There are many strong people in the master of refining and array, and each of them has one dedicated to carving array in boulder.

These people admire Yu Guihai’s refining of this Lingbao more than honoring his heavenly sword!
Yu Guihai, a copper treasure of refining Star Iron Star, specially refined several ironmaking furnaces. This treasure can emit a powerful flame equivalent to the virtual environment level when it needs to be urged by monks in the fitting period, so that virtual star iron can be refined.
The younger brother in the door called this kind of baby-refining thing a heavenly furnace.
With the excelsior and the excelsior, the early construction of two huge stone bases was completed.
Moreover, Yu Guihai handed over the refining method of Tiangong Dao and Tiangong Furnace to Zongmendi to learn, and it may not be long before he was surprised that Yan Yan could make these two things at a lower level of cultivation.
Even these people will gradually improve, and eventually they may create machine tools similar to those in previous lives, so that even lower-level monks can make powerful treasures.
No ancillary facilities were built outside the two virtual bases, and a small platform was arranged at the top. The platform has rows of simple buildings and the entrance to the platform is in this building.
The base has completed various array settings such as sending large arrays and divided them into different functional rooms such as sending and hiding rooms, array control hub, kitchen dormitory and so on.
The decoration here is also very luxurious, and the picture scroll hanging on the wall is a magic weapon for the cave. Among them, the birds and flowers are actually in the same place. If you stay for a long time, you will be tired and depressed, so you can take advantage of your leisure time to enter and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
There are many decorations that can emit a lot of aura treasures, and the chair with the effect of gathering spirits and accelerating cultivation can make the exploration of virtual brother impossible to repair.
After a careful exploration, Yu Guihai saw that there were no omissions in various facilities, so he reached out and lifted two huge bases directly and flew high into the token in his hand.
Then he went directly from the Five Spiritual Realms to the Virtual Realm from the Virtual Gate of Kalin Realm.
Yu Guihai released two huge virtual bases with a flash, and the two hills-like bases were firmly docked in the virtual base, which was easily captured by the gravity of the Carlin world and would not be far away.
However, this base has a rotational speed relative to the world, and the two are not relatively static. It is necessary to make a force pull it to be fixed outside the virtual door.
Yu Guihai thought about it and had an idea. He needed to fix the iron chain in the virtual door.
With a way, he can rest assured to set his sights on the two bases.
He waved a series of terrorist tactics with both hands and hit two illusory arrays rapidly in the sky.
Two large arrays in his regardless of the number of Daoyuan gray inflammation perfusion quickly reached the extreme, and the horror was more than the momentum. If it is still in the five spirit worlds, this level of power can break through the world in an instant and directly hit the five spirit worlds.
There is also a virtual ability to complete the final refining of the two bases.
After the two light arrays reached the extreme, I returned to the sea and quickly turned them toward two virtual bases. One set of two light arrays immediately merged into two bases respectively.
Rumble ~ ~ ~
Two virtual bases suddenly burst into harsh brilliance and lit up the surrounding virtual space like two small suns.
Yu Guihai’s hands have changed a number of tricks, and the strength of the earth has continuously entered two bases.
On the surface of the two bases, the number of lines depicting the array is fast. In the light array fusion base, the array has not been activated yet, and the array has been activated to send large arrays to defend against large arrays and attack large arrays.
Everywhere, the surface combination positions are completely integrated, and the whole base is violently shaken, which will not cause the decoration to fall off.
Not long after, the two bases crashed and shook, and the strong fluctuations merged into two solid bases with mysterious colors and dark gold patterns.
Yu Guihai nodded with satisfaction and immediately put away the big virtual base, and then threw a pile of virtual star iron and virtual star copper with a raging fog flame to melt it quickly.
Soon a dark chain full of starlight emerged, and the surface of the chain was covered with complex dark gold patterns.
Yu Guihai refers to this chain with a finger, one end of which is connected to the virtual door, and the other end pulls the virtual base to fix it outside the virtual door.
"All right!"

Coco is still talking and laughing when chatting with her family, but Qin Yu knows that she must have had a very hard time these days, but this girl is like this. Even in front of her family, she rarely shows her weakness.

Cocoa looked at Qin Yu stupefied and suddenly said with a smile, "When I was in the riverside community, I heard two big shots. My heart said that I have worked hard for Qin Yu’s brother for nothing in recent years!"
"Don’t be such a disgusting brother." Qin Yu waved his hand puzzled.
"… silly batch!" Cocoa language to turn over their eyes.
"Brother Yu, my dad asked you to go." Yu Jinxun shouted at the stairs.
"The big guy talked about me first and went first. Ow!" Qin Yu pointed to the floor and said hello to everyone.
"Go ahead. He’s always wanted to talk to you."
"Go quickly"
They greeted each other with a few Qin Yu steps and went to the building. Aunt looked at his back and squeezed a cocoa pink arm. "You can’t stand the child’s hand-picked son-in-law at home since childhood … when people are getting married."
"Gu don’t say this? Who made him an uncle? Like I can’t get married? !” Cocoa returned her hand and waved her flowing hair proudly and said, "I’m absolute beauty, too, okay?"
"Nothing serious was almost taken away and I didn’t know I was afraid." Yu Wanhe scolded 1.
Cocoa smiled and said easily, "I’m hungry. Who can get me something to eat?"
building of two or more storeys
Yu Wanqing sat on the sofa smoking a cigarette and asked, "Songjiang is here, but have you thought about the later things?"
"Yes," Qin Yu nodded. "Wu Di Table College and I will support Gu Yan in Jun Chen District, Seven Districts, and will help me speak."
"Can the party and government give up Songjiang?" Yu Wanqing ask again
"According to the current situation, if the EU does not send troops to interfere with it, the overall situation of Songjiang base will be settled." Qin Yu truthfully replied, "The military and political college will completely seal the door of Songjiang and the party and government will not have any chance to look up for a short time."
"That’s good." Yu Wanqing nodded slowly. "Songjiang was pulled out by military and political affairs alone, which is very beneficial for the development of the later Tiancheng Group."
"I just finished talking to the college before I came. It’s not a big problem," Qin Yu answered, smoking a cigarette.
"Xiaoyu, don’t think things too well." Yu Wanqing pondered for a long time and said directly, "A district’s military and political affairs may not care about a relatively important city position, and the military and political affairs may default to you to make decisions. After all, your roots are here, and they have always used you as an important card to play, but the direction of a city depends directly on the political situation in the nine districts … I think they will not easily let you cut the cake."
Qin Yu was dazed. "I didn’t want to cut the cake and get what I should have. A little more and a little less. I don’t care what kind of physique I am now. I have a lot of ideas in my heart. Let a pool of No.5 drive a car. It must be overreached. This time, it made such a big noise. First, the party and government were too targeted at Tiancheng. If we endure it again, we will be tortured to death. Second, they engaged in a horse fight, but when they touched the bottom line, they had to fight back. But the result now is actually that I didn’t expect all parties to calculate too much. I picked up a leak for the military and political affairs. "
"It’s good that you know," Yu Wanqing looked up and suddenly asked, "Which card do you feel is the heaviest in your hand after this incident?"
"Tiancheng Security" Qin Yu said without hesitation, "Without Tiancheng Security, these 4,000 soldiers hit Songjiang with a hard blow, and it was nothing."
"The development period economy is the most important; The most important thing is to contend for military forces. "Yu Wanqing agreed very much." Xiaoyu, if you want to look at other people’s faces these days, you still have to have someone. Listen to me. It’s best to find a way to change Tiancheng’s security identity by taking this opportunity. It shouldn’t be difficult for you to be so close to the military and political affairs. "
Qin Yu leng a slowly nodded "I see what you mean"
"Line looking for you just want to ask me where to go behind. There’s nothing else. You go to work." Yu Wanqing waved.
"It’s just right that I want to go into the area." Qin Yu got up. "I’ll call you when there’s a message in the negotiation. Let’s discuss what to do."
"Then I’ll go first."
When they finished Qin Yu, they turned around and walked out. Yu Wanqing looked at his back and hesitated for a long time and cried, "Xiaoyu!"
Qin Yu turned around
Yu Wanqing slowly picked up the teacup and bowed his head and said, "Coco should get married when she is old, but she also blames her family for urging her and she is not looking for an object. You are friends and you advise her."
Qin Yu blinked and nodded immediately. "Hey, I know, hehe!"
"Well, you go."
Qin Yu saw Coco coming out of his room as soon as he sighed from Yu Wanqing’s room.
"Hey, big brother!" Qin Yu smiled and greeted each other.
"Who is your brother?" Cocoa rubber band raised a head of hair and woke up briefly. "The leader of the investigation team from Fengbei is Su Yong. I have contacted him several times. This person is very dangerous."
Qin Yu frowned. "Did you see anything?"
"He’s abnormal. I always suspect that he’s drugged on our side …" Coco Diane replied with a slight frown.
Chapter 1167 He is very dangerous
"Medicine?" Qin Yu looked at Cocoa with his back. "Where do you start?"
"Before the riots, everyone was still playing on the desktop in Fengbei, and they also wanted hard evidence and pressure from public opinion. This is also why Su Yong started with Tiancheng Finance Department and was responsible for delivering manulife to the interests of the people." Cocoa logic clearly explained, "I guess their purpose is to get rid of me. You and Wu Di put Tiancheng Company’s political and illegal profit-making things into practice, and then the judicial process froze Tiancheng assets, and finally auctioned it to grandpa at the right time, so that Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Group would be completely dead in Fengbei, and Longxing could also buy shares in our pharmaceutical group at a low price to get tangible benefits."
Qin Yu nodded slowly. "What you said makes sense."
"This should be before the riot, they worked out a strategy for Tiancheng, and Su Yong came to Songjiang." Coco was lost in thought, and Qiao’s face was slightly finals and cutely analyzed. "But after the riot, this trick has been no matter what you think, Songjiang is all messed up. Will it be a bit retarded to get rid of the pharmaceutical group through the judicial process? Everyone has already torn their faces. The gun battle riots and armed attacks on the police station have all happened. What else can the judicial department have in this situation? "

in ten years

Huagai prefecture
Wudu Palace, the largest power in one hundred states in southeast China, is also the only first-class power in Huagai.
There are tens of millions of second-class forces in the Wudu Palace, each dominating its own side.
Third-class forces are countless.
Only the powerful in the enlightened realm can be called second-class forces if they sit on one side.
And there are also strong and weak in the second-class forces.
Like Beasts Ridge, the original four Buddha sitting in the second-class forces can be regarded as the last stream.
Having the Buddha is the real overlord among the second-class forces!
Jiaolong Island is one of them.
The main body of Jiaolong Island is a clan of Jiaolong, whose flesh and blood are strong, and whose enlightenment is complete. It is also famous among the powerful Buddha.
I don’t know how many powerful people died in his hands, and there were few defeats in the same order.
It is said that the owner of Jiaolong Island has a mysterious treasure that can devour treasures and restrain powerful enemies.
Someone once saw with his own eyes a heavenly Buddha, the dragon island master, who suddenly disappeared during the fighting!
The Buddha seems to have been erased from this world without leaving a trace.
It is precisely because of this that although there is a Buddha in Jiaolong Island, other second-class forces with Buddha are reluctant to provoke it easily.
On this day, the owner of Jiaolong Island woke up from the closed place with a trace of irritability in his brow.
Enlightenment in Shou Yuan can last for one billion years!
And he is now 100 million years old.
Just staying in the realm of enlightenment will last for 500 million years!
For those who have a billion years of Yangshou enlightenment, Tianzun Yinian has actually reached its peak
As time goes on, all aspects of the body, including vigor and vitality, will be healthy.
It will become more and more difficult to break through the realm.
If the law goes further into the imperial realm, I’m afraid he will be able to stop at the enlightenment realm in his life!
You know, if you want to step into the imperial territory, you will have a long life of 10 billion years!
The enlightenment is ten times more than that in a billion years!
The owner of Jiaolong Island is unwilling.
He has almost no rivals in the same rank since he got the famous treasure map that year.
But this treasure map, which he has realized for many years, is not without its method.
The only thing is that you can use this famous treasure map to arrange traps to surprise and kill the strong enemy!
The owner of Jiaolong Island came to the main hall.
At this moment, the two sides of the hall are already full of people looking around to repair. The lowest is the venerable one, and the others are the Buddha and the Great Buddha!
"Congratulations to my father!"
In the Jiaolong Hall, the heirs of the Jiaolong Island were the first to come out and bow down to him to celebrate his birthday.
"Congratulations to the island owner for coming out of the sun and the moon to live forever."
Followed by the venerable Buddha in the hall, the great Buddha also knelt on the ground.
These are the strong people from Jiaolong Island to celebrate the centenary birthday of Jiaolong Island owners.
"Get up."
Jiaolong island owner slightly, and some absently said
"What’s on my father’s mind?"
The fourth Dragon Eagle Buddha, the owner of Jiaolong Island, came out with a lot on his mind and tried to ask.
"Live forever … hey!"
The owner of Jiaolong Island smiled and shook his head. "It’s not that easy to live forever."
"My father’s heyday in the Spring and Autumn Period will surely further step into the Imperial Taoist realm to achieve Taoist respect!"
Jiaolong Island Lord Long Yu Da Tian Zun hurriedly said
The owner of Jiaolong Island smiled and shook his head.
He has many children, and the fourth and the first are the two most talented and outstanding dragons.
These two dragons have been fighting for years, and the owners of Jiaolong Island have opened their eyes and closed their eyes.
After all, the two dragons have to try their best to please him in the end.
Long Yu Da Tian Zun suddenly said, "Father, in recent years, I have heard that one thing may be that God gave his father a chance to help him step into the Imperial Road!"
The main dragon of Jiaolong Island must move to produce a little interest.